Mandarin Course - Rumen 2

Duration 18 Hours
Category Language Program

This course is focusing on mastering Chinese in four skills integratedly in a very basic level.


  • People who have passed Rumen 1 level or placement test at Rumen 2 level.

Course Objective:

  • Students are able to communicate (speak, read, write and listen) in Chinese using the simple topics and the language focus given.

Course Topics:

  1. Describing places
  2. Describing Colour
  3. Describing Something
  4. Shopping
  5. Food and Drink
  6. Giving directions
  7. Describing ongoing activities
  8. Describing past events
  9. Describing Weather
  10. Ability
  11. Sports
  12. Describing Life Experience

Suggested Next Courses:

  • Rumen 3

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