General English for Conversation 1

Duration 40 Hours
Category Language Program

This course is focusing on mastering of English especially in speaking and listening in Intermediate level.


  • People who have passed Elementary Levels or placement test at Intermediate levels.

Course Objective:

  • Students are able to communicate well in English using the topics and the language focus given.

Course Topics:

  1. Interviewing Friends
  2. Talking about Habits
  3. Describing Personality Traits
  4. Showing Interest
  5. Sharing emotional experiences
  6. Agreeing and Disagreeing
  7. Comparing and Contrasting Men and Women
  8. Describing Other?s Physical Appearance and Character
  9. Marriage and Family
  10. Giving Advice
  11. Pros and Cons of Choices
  12. Life or Death
  13. Work and Employment
  14. Expressing Conditions
  15. Stating Preferences
  16. Dating Phrases
  17. Describing Popularity
  18. Expressing probability and possibility

Suggested Next Courses:

  • Conversation II

Related Courses:

  • General English ? Intermediate Levels
  • Data not found.

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    Pukul 09.00 - 16.00 WIB