General English Level Elementary 1

Duration 40 Hours
Category Language Program

This course is focusing on the mastering English in four skills integratedly in basic level.


  • People who have passed Foundation levels or placement test at Elementary 1 level.

Course Objective:

  • Students are able to communicate (speak, read, write and listen) in English using the topics and the language focus given.

Course Topics:

  1. Describing Leisure Activities
  2. Describing Feelings
  3. Telling a first time story
  4. Making requests
  5. Asking Permissions
  6. Dates and Special Occasions
  7. Writing a letter of invitation
  8. Describing a crime
  9. Describing what people look like
  10. Making Predictions
  11. Describing Intentions and Wishes
  12. Writing a postcard
  13. Ambitions and Dreams
  14. Writing a mini-biography

Suggested Next Courses:

  • Elementary 2
  • Related Courses:


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