Introduction to Office Automation and Internet

Duration 24 Hours
Category Short Course

This course study the introduction to Windows, word processors, spreadsheet, presentation applications software, and Internet tools that is required being an office worker. 

Provides first time users with sufficient information to use Windows, word processors, spreadsheet, presentation applications software, and Internet to support their works / project.

Presents the basics of many of the features and applications included in the Windows package.


  • Administrator
  • Secretary
  • Accountant
  • Auditor
  • Finance
  • Student

Required Prerequisites:


Suggested Prerequisites:


Course Objectives:

  • Student can make practical use of the Windows software package, and the internet as their supporting facility.

Job Related

  • Administration.
  • Secretary.

Suggested Next Courses:

Related Courses:

  • Office Automation Package
  • Office Automation with Microsoft Windows
  • Office Automation with Microsoft Word
  • Office Automation with Microsoft Excel
  • Office Automation with Microsoft Power Point
Start Date 13/08/2024
End Date 13/09/2024
Shift 18:00 - 21:00
Capacity 10
Location Bintaro
City Jakarta
Start Date 24/08/2024
End Date 24/09/2024
Shift 08:00 - 11:00
Capacity 10
Location Bintaro
City Jakarta
Zoom Jadwal Konsultasi Virtual Senin - Jumat
Pukul 09.00 - 16.00 WIB